Friday, December 31, 2010

Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Lacey Lilac

Happy New Year's Eve, Dear Reader!

I really wanted to use another of the new Sally Hansen Xtreme Wears today even though it was just a creme (last year's NYE mani was so blingy I broke off a nail removing it!), so I decided to just go with it and add a little glitter.

It turned out that Lacey Lilac, the lavender creme from the Xtreme Wear display I recall nothing about, is a fantastic layering polish.  It's super pigmented, so it only took one coat to be completely even and opaque.  For a pastel, that's a big deal.  If I were to wear Lacey Lilac alone, I'd do two coats so it would be nice and shiny, but as a base for some glitter, one coats was plenty.  I added one coat of FingerPaints Floatin' on a Cloud to it, topped it off with top coat, and now I have a glitterific pastel manicure.

Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Lacey Lilac and FingerPaints Glitter
Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Lacey Lilac with FingerPaints Glitter, One Coat Each
I hope you have a safe and happy New Year's Eve, Dear Reader, and until 2011, love and nail polish to you!  

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Dior Bond Street

Good morning, Dear Reader!

When Dior's City Gris nail lacquers became available, I got only one, and that's Bond Street.  Bond Street is a grey blue creme, kind of halfway between a deep denim blue and slate blue.  It's the only one that seemed unique enough to get - Gris Montaigne looks like a grey creme, and after Nubar's Fortress Collection I'm set on those, and NY 57th looks like a gunmetal shimmer, and I'm good for those as well.  That left Bond Street, which does not disappoint.

It went on like any Dior, perfect in two coats, and in addition to being a really cool color, it's super shiny.

Dior Bond Street
Dior Bond Street Nail Polish, Two Coats
I love Dior nail polishes, but they're just too pricey unless the color is exceptional.  In the case of Bond Street, it was well worth it to me.

That's what I have for you today, Dear Reader.  Until next time, love and nail polish to you!  

Anak Kos Cowok Curi Pakaian Dalam Cewek Untuk Onani

Anak Kos Cowok Curi Pakaian Dalam Cewek Untuk Onani

Mungkin bisa jadi cowok ini punya kelainan seks, atau daya imaginasinya yang menyimpang sehingga begitu tertariknya dia untuk mengambil pakaian dalam wanita yang masih tetangga kos, lalu digunakan untuk masturbasi (onani) setelah selesai hajatnya lalu barang pribadi cewek yang dicuri tadi dikembalikan ke tempatnya.


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Ressita Gutawa

Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Posh Plum

Good afternoon, Dear Reader!

I ran into a little countertop display of Sally Hansen Xtreme Wears recently, presumably another limited edition release, so I got a few of the colors and tried one out today.  I'm always happy when I run into a Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear display because I'm quite fond of the line - the colors and quality are usually good, and they're cheap.  Unfortunately, the other thing that's consistent is that I forget to read anything on the display, such as a collection name or whether it's LE...

Today's polish is Posh Plum, a really vivid and glowy red-violet shimmer.  It went on well and was good in two coats.

Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Posh Plum
Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Posh Plum Nail Polish, Two Coats

Not bad for $3, huh?

That's all for today, Dear Reader.  Until next time, love and nail polish to you!  

Foto Dinda Kanya Dewi Ngangkang Kelihatan CDnya

Monday, December 27, 2010

Chez Delaney Plates H3 & H9

Good morning, Dear Reader!

This morning I decided to play around with a couple of the Chez-Delaney plates I got not too long ago, two I hadn't used yet.  From plate H3, I wanted to check out the big plain French tip pattern, and I added a little something to it from plate H9.

For color, I figure I can't go wrong with purple, so SpaRitual Shoot for the Stars is the base color.  I did the tips from H3 using Konad Pastel Violet Special Polish, and the pattern was a challenge to get a feel for.  By the last few stamps I did, I had it, but in the picture you'll see that a couple nails aren't quite right.  The thing is, it's hard to scrape the big empty engraving evenly and without sliding the corner of the scraper into the pattern.  I did want to master this one though, because double stamping my tips with the French patterns from Konad plate m19 leaves a darker line where the two stamps overlap when I use anything other than black or white.

After the tips, I added a little heart pattern from H9, applied top coat, and called it done.  It's by no means the most attractive manicure ever, but not bad for playing around with new plates.

Chez Delaney Plates H3 & H9
Chez Delaney Plates H3 & H9 over SpaRitual Shoot for the Stars

That's it for today, Dear Reader.  Until next time, love and nail polish to you!  

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Panca Diah Puspita

Balada Abg Medan

Chanel Rose Paradise

Good morning, Dear Reader!

This morning I got to try out the last polish in my most recent Chanel order, Rose Paradise.  This one's a limited edition that I've had my eye on for a while, and I figured since I'd wanted it for some time and I could still get it at retail, I should go for it, so I did.  I was reluctant because it's just a classic rose shimmer, but it's a really nice one.

In the bottle, Rose Paradise looks a bit frosty, but once it's dry it is not at all.  It ends up being a fine, dense, uniform shimmer with no brush strokes.  This is two coats dry in somewhat low natural light.

Chanel Rose Paradise
Chanel Rose Paradise Nail Polish, Two Coats
It's exactly what I'd hoped it would be - no alarm bells are sounding, but it's a great elegant, classic rose.  I think more than one version of Rose Paradise has come out, and the information on the box identifying this one is 185 Rose Paradise 159.185.

That's all I have for you today, Dear Reader.  Until next time, love and nail polish to you!  

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, Dear Reader!

My last holiday manicure of 2010 is a little cartoony, but I think it's fun.  I used OPI Ali's Big Break, which is a great sparkly red, then stamped some of the Christmas patterns from Konad plate m12 (the Christmas one) using Konad White Pearl Special Polish.  Since I already showed you both of those, I thought I'd have a little more fun than usual with the picture.  This is what it looks like right before I throw a snowball.

Merry Christmas Manicure
Merry Christmas!
Have a great holiday, and until next time, love and nail polish to you! 

Icha Gertza

Facebook Icha Gertza

Seks Pranikah Picu Kemerosotan Bercinta

] Okezone

Seks pranikah picu kemerosotan becinta. (Foto: Corbis) 

KEMEROSOTAN berhubungan intim, umumnya terjadi di usia dua tahun pernikahan. Kini, seks semakin memudar saat memasuki usia tiga tahun. Namun, kondisi tersebut terjadi bagi pasangan yang telah menikmati seks sebelum menikah.
Pasangan yang telah berhubungan seks lebih dari empat kali sepekan sebelum menikah, nyaris tidak bisa berhubungan intim sekali sepekan setelah pernikahan mereka berusia tiga tahun. Begitu menurut survei terbaru di Inggris.

Para peneliti menemukan, bahwa sebelum menikah, pasangan bisa berharap untuk melakukan seks lebih dari empat kali sepekan. Tapi setelah tiga tahun kehidupan pernikahan, ada penurunan drastis dalam kehidupan seks mereka. Dan sebagian besar pasangan berhubungan seks hanya sekali setiap tujuh hari. 

Survei ini dilakukan kepada 3.000 pasangan menikah. Enam dari sepuluh pasangan berpikir pernikahan mereka benar-benar telah merusak kegembiraan berhubungan seks. Demikian laporan Daily Mail dinukil dari Times of India, Kamis (23/12/2010).

Hasil lain yang mengejutkan dari survei ini adalah, bahwa separuh dari pasangan menikah mengatakan, hubungan mereka lebih seperti teman daripada kekasih.

"Sayangnya, sementara Anda bisa sangat jatuh cinta dengan seseorang dan ingin menghabiskan sisa hidup dengan mereka, juga mungkin untuk menginginkan lebih dari hubungan itu," kata seorang juru bicara, situs layanan perkimpoian dan kencan.

"Seorang mitra mungkin mendukung, dengan penuh kelucuan, cerdas, dan sosok yang baik hati, tetapi jika mereka tidak punya inspirasi yang meyakinan di kamar tidur, atau tidak memenuhi harapan, kehidupan seksual dapat membuatnya frustasi," sambungnya.

Lebih lanjut juru bicara mengungkapkan, "Ini adalah saat-saat ketika mata mulai berkeliaran, dan orang-orang mulai berpikir tentang memiliki hubungan tidak terikat dengan orang lain. Kami punya alasan kuat untuk percaya banyak hubungan yang diperkuat dengan sedikit aktivitas perkimpoian."

Survei mengungkapkan, 59 persen dari pasangan berpikir bahwa kehidupan seks mereka telah memburuk setelah menikah.

Kebetulan, delapan dari sepuluh pasangan berada dalam kebiasaan seksual melakukan hubungan intim pada saat yang sama, di tempat yang sama, dan dalam posisi yang sama.

79 persen responden lebih bahagia memiliki tidur malam yang berkualitas daripada membuat upaya untuk berhubungan seks spontan di tengah malam.

Dua pertiga dari pasangan yang berselingkuh mengakui, bahwa seks membuat pikiran melayang jauh dibandingkan dengan seks sekali seminggu yang dilakukan dengan suami atau istri.

Sementara seperlimanya, siap untuk memiliki hubungan one night stand jika kesempatan muncul dengan sendirinya, atau jika kehidupan seks mereka dengan pasangan tidak membaik. Dan hampir seperempat mengatakan, mereka telah melakukan cinta satu malam untuk memenuhi keinginan seks yang baik. 

Juru bicara Loving Links berkata, "Pernikahan modern menjadi sedikit lebih terbuka dengan seks yang bersangkutan, dan lebih cepat untuk memaafkan jika pasangannya memiliki one-night stand."

Hasil survei menunjukkan, bahwa hampir dua pertiga responden menyalahkan gaya hidup mereka yang sibuk untuk seks. Sehingga kehidupan seks mereka tidak bahagia. Dan 80 persen sering terlalu lelah untuk melakukan seks sekali sehari.