Sunday, July 31, 2011

Nail Art: Red Heart

Hello sweets!
I'm back!!! Though I've only been gone for 3days. hehe.
By the way thank you so much to all that helped me and voted for me.
Sadly I didn't win. But it's ok. (^__^)
I have some new things coming from a dear friend. 
I am still blessed right???

How was your weekend girls?
Me, I just went out with my boyfriend last saturday. Stayed at home on sunday.
Finally, it's Aug.1!!!
2 more months to go before my birthday! (Oct.8)
Yipee.. (^__^)

Anyways, let me share with you a very cute nail art. ♥
It just shows how IN LOVE I am with my man! ♥

Have a great week!
God bless.
Love. Love. Love. ♥

Elizabeth Arden Vincenza Raspberry

Good morning, Dear Reader!

Elizabeth Arden Vincenza Raspberry is another fabulous discontinued polish uncovered in my time capsule from the other day.  It's a gorgeous, slightly jelly base that's the color of raspberry sorbet and full of tiny gold flaky glittery bits.  I used three coats to make it as opaque as I wanted it, and it turned out really well.  Here's Vincenza Raspberry in sunlight after it dried.

Elizabeth Arden Vincenza Raspberry
Elizabeth Arden Vincenza Raspberry Nail Polish, Three Coats

Ain't she a beauty?  It's a good one for today, my mom's birthday, because it's a really chipper color.  This year, my dad and I are celebrating my mom's birthday by going out to lunch and then to some new shopping outlet.  We both generally detest shopping while it was my mom's favorite sport, so she'd be thrilled that we went out to check this place out  for her.  Truthfully, I think my dad has ulterior motives - my sister took him there last week and he was enthralled with looking at air rifles (he's 85, what the heck does he need with an air rifle?), and I believe he's managed to rationalize some need for one in the days since he saw them and that we'll be leaving with one today.  Since it's his cash, it's his business (well, sometimes my entertainment too), so I'll just stand by with a fabulous manicure during the rifle purchase.

That's the update for today, Dear Reader, so until next time, love and nail polish to you!

All Rights Reserved, Siobhan@The Nailphile. If you're reading this elsewhere, it's stolen.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

China Glaze No Way Jose

Good morning, Dear Reader!

I'm pleased to be wearing China Glaze No Way Jose today, which is another rediscovered treasure. It's a light, somewhat pink purple glass flecked polish from China Glaze's Tequila Toes collection a few years back. It applied very well and I added a third coat for opacity, which did the trick, before finishing it with Poshe. This is No Way Jose.

China Glaze No Way Jose
China Glaze No Way Jose Nail Polish, Three Coats

I love this polish. There's something about the shade of No Way Jose that thrills me, and I really don't know why. When put in combination with a glass flecked finish, I swoon, tilt my head sideways with both hands on one side of my face, and burst into song:

No Way Jose
How I love him
He's got something I can't resist
But he doesn't even know that I exist

No Way Jose
How I want him
How I tingle when he passes by
Every time he says hello
my heart begins to fly

I'm in heaven
I get carried away
I dream of him and me
and how it's gonna be

Other fellas call me up for a date
But I just sit and wait
I'd rather concentrate

On No Way Jose
'Cause I love him
And I pray that someday he'll love me
And together we will see how lovely heaven will be

If you don't recognize it for the tune, that's Johnny Angel, a Shelley Fabares song from the early sixties. It's the most melodramatic song I could come up with to complete my declaration of love for No Way Jose - when it comes to the stanza about sitting and waiting, I picture her singing it from the bushes outside Johnny Angel's window with binoculars in her hand, which makes it very funny to me.

That is No Way Jose and a little song for it that will likely get stuck in your head today, so I think my work here is done. Until next time, Dear Reader, love and nail polish to you!

All Rights Reserved, Siobhan@The Nailphile. If you're reading this elsewhere, it's stolen.

Friday, July 29, 2011

OPI Hollywood Blonde & Twinkling Lights

Good morning, Dear Reader!

Today I'm wearing a favorite layered polish combination, OPI Hollywood Blonde topped with OPI Twinkling Lights.  I knew I needed redemption after yesterday's manicure, and that was on my mind when I came across a little plastic box of long-lost polishes that included these two.  The little box is like a time capsule from the era when I was married - I'd use the little box to bring out some polishes for the week, and I guess it just got stashed with computer stuff when we split up household stuff.  Finding things stashed is far more common in this home than you'd expect - the ex was big on packing random stuff together when I wasn't looking.  I recall one that was clothes on top, then framed family pictures and breakable memorabilia under that, and about seventeen million coffee cups and and kitchen knives under that (none of those things would even go in the same room!).

Anyhow, Hollywood Blonde, which was part of OPI's Holiday in Hollywood Collection (2007, I think), is a delicate sparkling blonde.  My bottle has a Trade Secret price tag of $7.50, and that release was right about when that price increase came, and that's the point that I decided that retail was far too much.  I begrudgingly paid it for Hollywood Blonde because she's a beauty.  Here's Hollywood Blonde in low natural light.

OPI Hollywood Blonde
OPI Hollywood Blonde Nail Polish, Two Coats

The only way to improve upon Hollywood Blonde is to make it sparklier, and that's just what I did when I added two coats of OPI Twinkling Lights to it.  Twinkling Lights and her sisters were my cruel introduction to the world of OPI's Japanese releases.  You know the six reds in OPI's Holiday in Hollywood Collection?  Well in their place, Japan got more like Hollywood Blonde and  some amazing glitters (I don't recall how many of each kind offhand, but my hope that I might find them around here has been renewed).  I'd commented on a message board that they were gorgeous and it was a mean joke that they weren't available to us, and a really lovely Japanese woman contacted me to do a trade that was my all-time best and coolest.  My side was the six Japanese Hollywood shades, which she bought for me at her local beauty supply for just under $9 each including shipping (wow, I just turned into my mother, citing deals from years ago!), her side was several Tazo teas and a bunch of American cookies aimed at kids (Nutter Butters, Chips Ahoy, shopping for her was like my parents were out of town).  Everything went perfectly, and as a result I have Twinkling Lights here and I was able to provide the woman who sent them lots of happy snacks of fun teas and cookies.

Twinkling Lights is about the same hue as Hollywood Blonde, but it's a base that seems to be between a sheer and a jelly that is full of fine holo glitter and cool hex glitter.  I added two coats to Hollywood Blonde, and this is what it looks like in sunlight.

OPI Twinkling Lights
OPI Twinkling Lights over Hollywood Blonde, Two Coats Each

What I particularly love about this pairing is the unexpected nature of the combination of this really safe shade and all that glitter.  Hollywood Blonde provides more opacity and adds depth with shimmer that shows through Twinkling Lights, and although it's not especially eye-catching in indoor light (the glitter shows and all, I just mean it's not flashy), in the sun the fine glitter explodes with a bunch of light and colors and the hex glitter starts shifting color.  It's great!

That is my OPI Hollywood Blonde and Twinkling Lights redemption manicure, so until next time, Dear Reader, love and nail polish to you!